- Thumbnail

- Resource ID
- f2ea8e81-39c7-4619-9165-5e56efdafd8b
- Title
- Water Framework Directive (WFD) Opportunity Catchments - Cycle 3
- Date
- April 19, 2023, midnight, Publication Date
- Abstract
- The Opportunity Catchment layer shows the boundaries and locations of Wales’ ten Opportunity Catchments. The Opportunity Catchments form part of the third cycle River Basin Management Plans (2021-2027). The layer shows the ten Opportunity Catchments in Wales. The Opportunity Catchment boundaries were created using Water Framework Directive (WFD) (now the WFD Regulations 2017) Cycle 1 waterbody catchment boundaries with small, non reportable waterbodies (e.g. drain to transitional and coastal (TRAC) waterbodies) included where relevant. Cycle 2 transitional and coastal waterbodies have been included where they have a similar hydrodynamic regime and are subject to similar pressures to terrestrial waterbodies at the seaward extent. For cross border waterbodies they have been split into two parts one in Wales and England. A definition query based on the "Cross_Border" field displays only the Opportunity Catchments in Wales. To see the parts of the Dee and Central Monmouthshire catchments that extend into England remove the definition query. Attribution statement: Contains Natural Resources Wales information © Natural Resources Wales and Database Right. All rights Reserved.
- Edition
- --
- Responsible
- Andrew.Thomas.Jeffery
- Point of Contact
- Jeffery
- andrew.jeffery@cyfoethnaturiolcymru.gov.uk
- Purpose
- --
- Maintenance Frequency
- None
- Type
- not filled
- Restrictions
- None
- License
- Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information
- Language
- en
- Temporal Extent
- Start
- --
- End
- --
- Supplemental Information
- Data Quality
- --
- Extent
- x0: 178650.0
- x1: 357930.0
- y0: 171370.0
- y1: 395963.0625
- Spatial Reference System Identifier
- EPSG:27700
- Keywords
- no keywords
- Category
- Environment
- Regions